Tesla Cars Overview

Get Enhanced Autopilot with Tesla Referral Codes

Use this random referral code to get 3 months Enhanced Autopilot on your new Tesla.

Random Referral Code

Use this code during checkout to earn rewards

Use Code

Welcome to Tesla Referral Zone!

Unlock exclusive rewards and savings on your next Tesla purchase with referral codes from Tesla owners around the world. Whether you're planning to join the Tesla family or looking to share your own referral code, you're in the right place.

How it Works

Get Random Codes

Our random code generator selects a referral code from our collection, ensuring fairness and equal opportunity for all.

Share Your Code

Own a Tesla? Share the love by uploading your referral code to our platform. Help fellow enthusiasts save on their Tesla purchase while earning rewards for yourself. It's a win-win!

Share Referral Code

Add your referral code to the system

Only provide the code itself. Example: https://ts.la/glenn699423 -> glenn699423

Note: Tesla referral codes are subject to change and availability.
Please refer to Tesla's official website for the most up-to-date information on referral program terms and conditions.

This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by Tesla in any way.
Tesla Referral Zone is a community project, and does not make any money.